1. C appeared in 1972 while C++ in 1985
  2. C influenced by B (BCPL, CPL),ALGOL 68, Assembly while Cpp C, Simula, Ada 83, ALGOL 68,CLU,ML
  3. C was developed Dennis Ritchie & Bell Labs while C++ Bjarne Stroustrup
  4. C follows the procedural programming paradigm while C++ is a multi-paradigm language (Procedural as well as Object Oriented)
  5. In C data is not secured while in C++ data is secured (hidden)
  6. C is a low – level language while C++ is a middle level language.
  7. C uses the top-down approach while C++ uses the bottom-up approach
  8. C is function-driven while C++ is object –driven
  9. C++ supports function overloading while C does not
  10. We can use functions inside the structure in C++ but not in C
  11. The NAMESPACE feature in C++ is absent in case of C
  12. The standard input & output in C++ is cout<< & cin>> while C is printf & scanf
  13. C++ allows the user of reference variables while C does not
  14. C++ supports Exception Handling while C does not
  15. The usual filename extensions C is .c while C++ .cc, .cpp, .hh, .hpp

Posted by Unknown On 04:36 No comments


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