1. Linked lists-creation, insertion, deletion of single, double and circular lists.
2. Stack and Queue - operations using arrays and linked lists.
3. Perform the following tasks by using Stacks
i) Infix to postfix conversion
ii) Evaluation to postfix expression.
iii) Checking of Nested Balanced Parenthesis
4. Perform operations (insertion and deletion) on Double Ended Circular Queues
5. Create a Binary tree and traverse it by using: - In-order, pre-order, post-order with or without using recursion
6. Create a Binary Search Tree and perform Insertion and Deletion Operations on it.
7. Binary search with or without using recursion
8. Sort ‘n’ elements by using – insertion, selection, Quick sort, Merge Sort Heap Sort
9. Perform Addition, multiplication of two sparse matrices and find the transpose of given Sparse Matrix
10. Polynomial addition and multiplication by using arrays and linked lists
11. Program to represent a graph by using Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency Lists representation for the given set of Vertices and Edges .And traverse it by using Breadth First Traversal and Depth First Traversal techniques
12. Create an AVL Tree and perform insertion and deletion operations.
13. Create a Splay Tree and perform insertion and deletion operations.
14. Create a B-Tree of order greater than or equal to 4 and perform insertion and deletion operations.
15. Program to demonstrate the concepts of
i) Separate Chaining
ii) Open Addressing (use appropriate collision resolution techniques)
iii) Extendable Hashing

Posted by Unknown On 01:48 No comments


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